Teenager cures terminal brain cancer with raw food

(NaturalNews) It’s hard to believe that the healthy and radiant 17-year-old Megan Sherow was facing a terminal cancer diagnosis just a few years ago. “Uh, I guess sometimes it can happen…” was the bewildered response Megan received from her doctors when they discovered that her cancer had gone into full remission.

Doctors were not at all optimistic, Megan sought other options

Diagnosed at 13 with stage 3 brain cancer, Megan was told that she was going to die unless she turned to an aggressive treatment of chemotherapy and radiation.

And even with painful chemo, doctors were not at all optimistic about her odds. They told her she also needed brain surgery. After going through two brain surgeries that failed to help, Megan was finally convinced that it was time to try something else.

Healing disease with raw food

Fortunately, she was able to learn about the raw food diet and how other people had managed to heal themselves by doing nothing else but sticking to a daily menu of raw fruits and vegetables. No pills, no potentially deadly brain surgeries and no chemo.

And so she did. Fast-forward a year and a half later, her cancer was in remission and she was feeling more energetic than ever before.

These days, the talented Megan is bursting with life: at only 17, she attends college, is involved in several theater productions while also writing her first novel and still has the energy to pursue photography and other outdoor activities.


Megan Sherow’s simple cancer diet

The diet that rid her of cancer is entirely raw and vegan but also simple, convenient and affordable.

For breakfast, Megan typically likes to eat a banana whip with mangoes and strawberries; while for dinner, she loves to eat fresh romaine lettuce. At lunch, she likes to have another banana whip or sometimes a pineapple and banana smoothie, which she may later complement with various fruits and vegetables, depending on her daily challenges.

For example, in preparation for a theater performance, she gets her amazing energy by consuming nutrient-rich dates.

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/042289_raw_food_diet_terminal_brain_cancer_megan_sherow.html#ixzz2s5mqlSbA


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