Jesse Cures POLIO with Raw Food


Jesse Bogdanovich, 36, is a raw vegan pioneer and world-renowned expert. He went 100 percent raw vegan overnight more than 15 years ago. Jesse has more than eight years of experience in supporting people in overcoming physical and emotional health challenges of all kinds, including very serious ones. He has overcome all kinds of physical and emotional challenges himself. An allergic reaction to a vaccine turned him from a healthy baby into a very sick one. This led to many years of disability and ill health until he discovered water fasting, but only when he found the raw vegan diet at 21 years old did he became really healthy and truly happy.

Because of acute health challenges he had gone through, Jesse has been inspired to uncover all things that bring us into disharmony with nature. In his opinion, there is no need to reinvent anything but just to follow nature’s path and keep it simple. His biggest goal is to create a positive worldwide impact and passionately inspire and support as many people as possible to be healthier and happier so they can live more fulfilling lives. Jesse lives in the United States but is constantly traveling around the world and spends summers running a family retreat in Croatia.

Jesse is living proof that an active, natural lifestyle, following your heart and a living food diet is the most powerful way to heal and be truly happy in life!

Brian’s note: I began 10 sentences with targeted words, presented in boldface below, that serve as conversation starters and asked Jesse to complete the thoughts in this “condensed interview.”

A polio vaccine that was given to me when I was just a baby left me paralyzed and made me really sick. The modern way of treating my condition made things only worse, and other symptoms appeared like juvenile diabetes, stomach problems and a poor immune system. So my family and I decided to go back to nature, and then miracles started to happen for me.

Having doctors tell me while growing up that my condition will only deteriorate more and that by the time I reach puberty, I may not live past that, was unbearable news and made me cry lots. My parents decided to search harder and deeper for nature’s wisdom and prove these doctors wrong. Let nature be your medicine and medicine your food.

The breakthrough for me was when my dad found a book called The Miracle of Fasting by Paul and Patricia Bragg, my mother became a naturopathic doctor, and with that knowledge, I got better and better. I did shorter fasts and then longer ones, up to 21 days on water, which saved my life. But not until I went to an all-raw vegan lifestyle did my conditions improve dramatically.

Going 100 percent raw vegan started many years ago, in 1998, when my mother introduced me to David Wolfe’s books called Nature’s First Law and The Sunfood Diet Success System. Then, a few years later, I met Dr. Doug Graham at a raw food event and got his bookThe 80/10/10 Diet, which helped me to fine-tune my diet even more. This is my 15th year of being fully raw vegan, and it’s still getting better and better every year! 🙂 This lifestyle is worth it in every way, and I am so grateful living this way!

Leading a raw food lifestyle, I noticed many amazing experiences, a deeper understanding of life and a huge spiritual connection, clear thinking, beautiful glow and a peaceful surrender where I forgave everyone and am one with all. I healed and became very interested in helping other people with different conditions to get better.

A tip I learned and share with others is, first, you need to change your mindset. You must want to know the truth about life and your body, and when you go on the raw vegan path, you want to give it time. I would try it at least for 90 days to a year and get proper coaching. You will notice that you are feeling better and better as time goes by. All your health and personal problems will vanish if you keep it simple and don’t overdo the raw fats and bad combinations. If you don’t feel better after 90 days, you are doing something wrong and need to get support from an experienced raw vegan.

My go-to meal is seasonal fruits and greens. My favorite thing is to find a nearby fruit tree like a fig tree, climb on it and eat until I am full—about 40 to 50 figs. 🙂 I also love to eat wild greens like asparagus and dandelion.

I love to support others on this path to health and happiness, to be outside in nature, exercise, meditate, plant fruit trees and eat fruits of all sorts, wild greens, durians—all the fresh food in season.

I feel compelled to make people understand that nature heals if we give her a chance. My biggest goal is to create a positive impact in the world and passionately inspire and support as many people as possible to be happier and healthier so they can live more fulfilling lives.

In Croatia, my family and I are preparing for our summer retreat. During summertime, when figs, grapes and all fresh food is available, we help people to get on the raw vegan lifestyle. The sea is warm, and the nature here is awesome. It’s very peaceful here by the Adriatic sea. You can let your hair down, be calmed by the gentle breeze and waves, while just enjoying the fruits of summer and nature at its best!

For information about a summer retreat in Europe operated by Jesse and his family, For more information, explore the family’s website,

If you would like Jesse’s support with a raw vegan lifestyle, visit


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